Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer has begun!

There is nothing that says summertime like an outdoor BBQ. The smell of burgers on the grill, playing lawn games, s'mores over the campfire... geez, I sound like a dog. But cats enjoy these sorts of things, too, of course - the bugs flying in the porch light can keep me captivated for hours!

We had family over last weekend, and I wanted to whip up some decorations to make it extra special. Despite a stormy forecast, the day was hot and sunny. Perfect for a spray paint project!

I pulled together all of my supplies, which included a couple of Dollar Store "silver" trays, some chalkboard spray paint, and painter's tape (a gift from the Craft Gods). Altogether, this cost me $2, since I had the spray paint from a different project and the tape just kicking around the house (in the junk drawer).

It is so easy, this can be told in pictures. Mom had to do the spray painting, since I'm not allowed outside. She just did two coats.

Please don't be jealous that we have an air conditioner. It gets hot with all this fur!

Then, let the trays dry (in the sun, it took about 15 minutes), and peel off the tape, carefully. Grab a stick of chalk and you are ready to break these puppies in (excuse the expression)! Just rub down the tray with chalk to prime the paint, wipe it all off with a damp cloth, and you are ready to add that extra special touch to your own party or BBQ.

The party did end up getting pushed inside due to rain, but those trays were outside to welcome family members to the house while the sun was shining!

And it didn't seem like anyone really minded being inside! The spirit of the BBQ stayed strong!

One of my favorite parts of the night was just hanging out, playing with the glow sticks! What do you do to make family gatherings extra special? Do you have any party tips, fun outdoor games, or BBQ recipes to share with us? Please comment!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Meet Kitty!

Earlier this Spring, we took our spare bedroom from this... to Craft Room bliss:

Though I may have lost a great napping spot, I gained a whole lot of crafting action in my life. I realized that all these years (I'm 3) I had been missing having a hobby. Plus there's always the basket:

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Anne, the Crafting Kitty. Named after the famous pirate Anne Bonney, due to my penchant for sitting on Dad's shoulders, pirate-bird style. Plus we took inspiration from the famous Bounty ship parked outside the apartment, along with some of my more desperado ways...

This blog will be dedicated to my exploits in my new craft room. Part D-I-Y, part C-A-T. I have a cool perspective, and I felt it's only right to share it on the WWW. I'm looking forward to sharing my love of crafting with all of you! First up, a new basket liner for my prized basket (see above). I'm thinking I need a pop of color, a softer feel, something to punch it up and give me more comfort at the same time.

I whipped up this little inspiration board...
Bird fabric (my fave animal... besides cats of course!) from On Board Fabrics in Edgecomb, Maine.
Perhaps something in the Color of the Year by Pantone? Emerald is such a versatile hue!
And I couldn't resist adding in some fur to the brainstorm! This pink leopard sold on Etsy is super fun!
(All collages made online with the totally tubular Photovisi.)

What do you think? What have you done recently to up your "creature" comfort level? What projects are you whipping up in your own craft room? Does your kitty need a treat?

Until next time... this is the Crafting Kitty signing off! My paws are hurting from all this typing.
